revutete62Feb 3, 20244 min readImportance of ResurrectionSon of God; Resurrection is the one thing that declared Jesus Christ to be the Son of God. Some say God has no Son. "Paul a servant of...
revutete62Jan 31, 20243 min readJESUS CHRIST IS GOD AND SAVIOURGod is righteous and just as a result he cannot let sin go unpunished yet he is long-suffering and merciful. Man having sinned while in...
revutete62Jan 31, 20244 min readCopy of Why Jesus Christ is the one and only way to God and Salvation?Rated 5 out of 5 stars.(1)Jesus Christ and Christianity stand and fall together one cannot be true without the other. Religion is man's way and means to find and...
revutete62Jan 30, 20244 min readWhy Jesus Christ is the one and only way to God and Salvation?Jesus Christ and Christianity stand and fall together one cannot be true without the other. Religion is man's way and means to find and...